



Credit Unions have become aware of a text and email scam claiming to be from the credit union, stating that accounts have been placed on hold and asking the recipient to click on a link to verify their account.

If you get such a text or email please do not click on the link.

Similarly, if you get a phone call requesting your credit union details or suggesting your account has been scammed please do not engage and hang up immediately.

If you are in any doubt about any message you receive about your credit union account please contact us directly.

What to look out for

  • Do not click a link
  • Do not reply or provide information
  • Do not hand over your security codes
  • Delete the message
  • Make contact with the CU & your local Garda station immediately if you think you are a victim of fraud


Advice for Members using CUOnline+ & CUMobile


CUOnline+ (via our website Members Log In)

  • NEVER disclose credentials, bank details or personal information. Your credit union will never email asking you to divulge such information. If you are unsure, contact the CU immediately.
  • The CU will never send you an email with a link to a page that asks you to enter your online credentials.
  • Use strong passwords and never reveal them to anyone or write them down to remember them.
  • Get the latest software updates for your device, install up-to-date antivirus software and run regular scanning of your PC/laptop. Also install and regularly update firewall software.
  • Be careful when using public computers to access CUOnline+
  • Always log out of CUOnline+ sessions once you have finished.
  • Be aware when using the internet in busy public areas, check for people looking over your shoulder viewing your screen, so called “Shoulder surfers”.
CUMobile (Letterkenny Credit Union mobile app)

  • Choose, use and protect passwords with great care. Use passwords that are not easily guessed by fraudsters.
  • Make sure your smartphone or tablet is always protected with PIN or biometrics and set the device to automatically lock.
  • Don’t store your login passwords on your smartphone or tablet.
  • Keep the cuMobile app regularly updated.
  • Always log out of the cuMobile app when you have finished using it. Closing the app or web page or turning off your device may not be sufficient.
  • Do not use unsecured public wi-fi networks or hotspots for accessing the cuMobile app.
  • Beware of emails, texts or phone calls claiming to be from your bank or the Gardai that say you have a problem with your account or request your login or other confidential details.  Your bank or other authentic organisation would never request these details.

Member Alert
Office Closed as a Mark of Respect
The Passing of a Dear Friend and Member of our Board of Directors