
Complaints Procedure

It is the aspiration of Letterkenny credit union that a complaint against the credit union will be resolved in a fair and equitable manner.  In order that this is accomplished the following is the procedure which you should follow in order to have your complaint/dispute, in your capacity as a member, settled.  For a full description of this procedure, please see Rule 108 of the Standard Rules of the Credit Union.

Step 1.           The complainant discusses the complaint with the complaints officer verbally or outlines the details of the complaint in writing by completing a complaints form. The complaints officer will, where possible, resolve the complaint.

Submit your Complaint

If the complaint is not resolved to the satisfaction of the complainant:

Step 2.           The complainant will have the right to be heard by the complaints sub-committee who will investigate, discuss and, wherever possible, resolve the complaint. The complainant must complete the complaints form (if not completed at step 1) which will be reviewed by the sub-committee.


If the complaint is not resolved to the satisfaction of the complainant:

Step 3.           The complainant should request the secretary of the credit union to forward the complaint to the board of directors.  The complainant will have the right to be heard by the board, which will investigate and, wherever possible, resolve the complaint.

Note:              Nothing in Rule 108 shall prevent the Financial Services Ombudsman from investigating and adjudicating a complaint made against a credit union about the provision of, or failure to provide, a financial service, so long as the complaint:

                         (a) falls within the jurisdiction of that Ombudsman, and

(b) does not relate to a matter that involves only the governance of the credit union.

Contact Details for making a complaint

A complaint can be received verbally, by phone, by email or in writing.

Written complaints can be sent to the Complaints Officer, Letterkenny Credit Union, High Road, Letterkenny or by email at Verbal complaints may be made by phone to 0749124166 or in person to Letterkenny CU personnel.